Paediatric Acupuncture - newborn to adulthood
Acupuncture for kids is growing in popularity, both as a treatment on its own and alongside
Western medicine. Children can respond more quickly to treatment than adults, particularly with
Acupuncture for asthma, coughs and colds, vomiting or bedwetting and night terrors.
If conventional medicine hasn’t worked for your child and they’re not thriving, Paediatric
Acupuncture can help to support their treatment or to reduce reliance on medication.
Children can be sensitive to pain or worried about needles, so I use "the gentle needle
technique". An almost pain free method of inserting the needles. It uses fewer, finer needles that
are inserted and withdrawn immediately so the child doesn’t have to stay still for long. For
children who are really frightened of needles, needleless acupuncture is another option I
Needleless acupuncture or laser acupuncture
involves using a low-level laser pen on traditional acupuncture points instead of using acupuncture needles. It is a non-invasive and painless way to experience Acupuncture. The effects of this therapy have been investigated
through peer-reviewed studies and publications. It’s ideal choice for children or adults who
would prefer treatment without the use of needles.
I’ll work with you to discuss your needs and suggest any lifestyle changes I think might help
your child. If we discover acupuncture isn’t the solution, I’ll refer you to someone who can help,
such as a cranial osteopath, homoeopath or Western doctor.
If you’re concerned about your child and you want to try an alternative to conventional medicine,
get in contact today/schedule a free 15-min call to find out how this gentle method can provide
relief from childhood ailments.